Is this a hostile work enviroment and am I eligible for unemployment?
Event 1: Boss said I was not doing my job and screamed at me.
Event 2:Boss asked me "am I on something". Said I am not doing my job. Blamed me for not 'tattling' on co-worker for not connecting scanner, which prevented me from scanning old photos.
Boss told co-workers/during staff meeting that I was not doing my job, I refushed to tattle on co-worker and if I could not do what he wanted, I should find another job. Boss did not tell me to find another job during our private conversation.
Boss says I forget entire conversations. NONE of these accusations are true and co-workers would vouch for me. I am currently in physical therapy due to curvature of spine, and boss said "do whatever you need to do about going to appts".
I consider my workplace to be hostile and my character being defamated. I did ask boss if he was so unhappy, did he want me to leave and he did not answer me. I asked that several times during last conversation. Am I eligible for unemployment due to hostile environment?
Answers (1)

If the boss is just a jerk, you may be out of luck. But, you mentioned being in physical therapy -- which makes me wonder whether that is why the boss is harassing you. Not all "hostile work environments" are illegal. It all depends on why you are being singled out for harassment. If it's because of your disability, your gender, race, color, national origin, religion, or age, then the harassment might be unlawful -- but only if it gets real bad. Like it happens every day, or the boss' behavior is really extreme.
I think you're near Austin, and thus recommend that you make an appointment with an Austin lawyer who regularly represents employees.
If you quit, I would not count on getting unemployment compensation.
posted by Margaret A. Harris | Feb 22, 2005 8:17 PM [EST]
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