Kmart not paying bonus to it's employees..
Kmart three weeks before it was to pay
our bonus decided to pay only 54% of it to all
all store management except pharmacy.. Our
unsigned agreement with kmart was on performance
of the store, not on how the company did
but they say the company did not meet expectation
so the bonus was adjusted.. They do have a statement
at the bottom of page "kmart can modifity-change
this agreement at their will".. this could mean a
lots of money @ 2100 stores..
Please advise
K C Jones
Answers (1)

No one can answer your question until they see the documents on which your bonus entitlement was based. Typically, bonuses are considered to be discretionary and can be given depending on a variety of factors. Unless the bonus was guaranteed, you may have a tough claim. You should have an employment or benefits attorney review the langauge of the documents describing the bonus for a definitive opinion.
posted by Bill Egan | Apr 26, 2001 3:28 PM [EST]
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