My Boyfriend who works for the one of the largest parking garages in NYC and is part of Local 272 was recently transferred to another Garage with no warning and no reason. He has worked there for 18 years and never had a bad review and his customers love

When he reported to work last Thursday there was a private letter addressed to him that was opened up and posted on the company office wall of his transfer to a different Garage. Nobody spoke to him, or warned him, or even gave him a reason. He is a member of the local 272 Garage union and has requested a hearing, But I believe he has been wrongly transferred due to office politics and he has worked at his current Garage for 18 years and has built a solid reputation and loyal customers who don't want to see him go. He's been railroaded and would like some legal advice as how to fight this transfer and return to the Garage he has been at for 18 years.

1 answer  |  asked Jan 16, 2020 2:04 PM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

Jonas Urba
He should timely exhaust all his options to grieve that per the bargaining agreement.

We would charge to review the agreement and/or to represent him. Fees are often at flat rates but those rates depend on the extent and speed at which work needs to be performed.

He has paid union dues. He should probably get an opinion from his union first since that is no charge. If he is not satisfied he should bring all of his paperwork to a private employment lawyer to have them provide a second opinion. Then he can decide which course to take.

posted by Jonas Urba  |  Jan 16, 2020 2:31 PM [EST]

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