My Employer Refuse To Pay
I worked at a Steak House restaurant here in Cleveland, Ohio as a sever/batender/supervisor. I started with them Nov 11, 2008. I was supposed to receive a $1 increase when working on weekends as a sever/bartender. This has been brought to management attention several times by most if not all employees.
I provided my employer with my two weeks notice making Friday, March 12, 2010 my last day. I was asked by my boss to work Saturday and Sunday the 13th and 14th. Which i did. I also put in a request to be paid out for my unsed vacation time which was paid on my final pay check on March 26, 2010.
When I went to pick up my final pay check everyone was saying how "we" got our retro pay for working weekends. I noticed that I didn't receive any retro pay, so I asked the accounting manager who acted like she didn't have a clue what I was talking about. So a former co-worker who is still employed with the company advised me that my former boss was upset that people told me about the Retro pay, because they didn't want to pay me out since they paid me for my unused vacation of 43 hours.
Two questions - 1) How do i get my employer to retro pay me from 11/11/08 until 3/14/10?
2) I was also paid over time on mostly every check, so am I entiled to receive OT at the $1 increase as well as my retro pay back to 11/11/08?
* I have sinced called, e-mail and sent letters with no response from anyone at my previous employer in regards to my pay. What legal action can be taken to recover the monies due to me?
* I just received an e-mail from my boss stating that Corp said they are not paying me and have taken away the $1 increase for working weekends. I'm ok with them taking it away, however, I was employed with the company at the time the $1 increase was in effect and everyone received the retro pay but me. I need legal help. Please what can I do?
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