My boss went through my personal cell phone, read my texts and tried to use them against me.
I left my cell phone in the office overnight. When I came into work the next day I asked if it was there. My boss said are you clocked in yet? I said yes than she said come to the office. When in the office she said that in trying to figure out whose cell phone it was she went through all my text messages and wanted me to write out a written explanation to why I was texting employees. I explained that many times employees will text me to find out there work schedule because I have one at home being a manager and that the others were to a fellow manager giving her a headsup as to what was going on. There was nothing wrong with what I did. This was the final straw...So I quit and I am know being denied my UE Benefits. This was the second time my personal privacy had been invaded. I was also discriminated many times for being a man. Inappropriate work conversation that never stopped. There is a lot more.
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