My employer made mistakes in medical payroll deductions supposedly over enuf time that they now need to deduct $1000's out of a single two week check because of the mistake. THEIR MISTAKE but do I have to pay?
I was informed a week ago in a separate conversation as a by the way kind of notice. Nothing written about the matter I was verbally informed by the new hr lady Flo that they had made errors in the amounts that were deducted from previous paychecks. So she was wondering if I'd noticed the change in not only my pay rate but also my deductions. I looked at my check for 51 hrs today and they took out over $500 for medical when the usual amount is $255. Then I looked at last months check and they had deducted over $1000! This was their mistake! Does it really come out of my pocket? legally?? What about my taxes??
0 answers | asked Dec 11, 2015 9:28 PM [EST] | applies to California
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