My employer retaliated against me after I told the parents of my special education students about an option that was being voted on at the board level. I invited parents to the board meeting to delay the vote until more could be reasearched bc It involved
My employer retaliated against me after I told the parents of my special education students about an option that was being voted on at the board level. I invited parents to the board meeting to delay the vote until more could be reasearched bc It involved cutting funding for the special education program, replacing all sped employees if passed to save money. The parents voiced their feelings at the board meeting and the vote was postponed. My employer wrote me up for sending the email to parents. I am the special education teacher and case manager. I am allowed to email my parents anytime. My employer was furious and wrote me a letter of reprimand bc she said I should have bcc’edthe parents’ emails instead of allowing them to be seen. Our school is a small community and everyone knows everyone. The parents relayed they didn’t mind their emails showing but my employer was mad I stopped the vote and retaliated against me. In 25 years of working in special ed, I’ve never been written up. There was a line on the written reprimand that said I exposed each children’s names in the email. That never happened. No children were named. It was only inviting all parents to the board meeting. That statement is defaming my name and could stop me from finding another job. She says I broke FERPA by revealing the parents emails and exposing the children. I never exposed any children. I want to sue her for defamation as this is making it hard to find another job. I was well known in the district. What can I do?
0 answers | asked Mar 13, 2020 08:15 AM [EST] | applies to California
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