My employer told me that the benefits of my plan will not be the same when I convert to COBRA. Can she just change the benefits as she likes?
My plan termed on 1/31/16. The plan was a hdhp with a 3500 deductible beginning in Jan. However, we allowed our employees to see our providers for "free." they were not charged for the visit, but the cost was applied to their deductible.(I worked for a federally qualified health center providing ob/gyn, pedi, dental, family and behavioral health care) I'm being told that if I elect COBRA I will not have this benefit. I'm sure this must be spelled out in the SPD, but I never received one as part of the initial COBRA notification, nor have I received a COBRA election notice. However, they still have 2 weeks to be in compliance with that piece. I just want to know if they can change aspects of the plan for COBRA participants.
0 answers | asked Feb 15, 2016 2:11 PM [EST] | applies to Texas
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