Non-compete as a sofware consultant
I work for a consulting firm as a w2 employee with
zero benefits, they simply pay me for every hour I work.
Basically they are a middleman between myself and my client.
For every dollar I bill they get 30 cents. I have been at this
client for almost 3 years now and have a non-compete clause signed
with my consulting firm stating that I will not work for as an employee
or contract with my client through anyone else other than them for a period
of one year after I leave my firm. I'm being offered the chance to
contract directly with my client bypassing the 'middleman' (my firm)...would
I be buying myself a lawsuit? If so, what is this non-compete ensuring for
my firm other than the right to 'pimp' me?
Answers (1)

Yes, you probably would be buying yourself a lawsuit, or at least the risk of one.
Probably the best practical way to handle this is to have the employer negotiate a waiver of the non-compete with the agency...they have the leverage here, if the agency wants to keep doing business with them.
Abraham Goldman
posted by Abraham Goldman | Apr 7, 2001 1:27 PM [EST]
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