Personal safety
Hello, I currently manage an apartment complex in Kenmore and the environment has continually become more dangerous since I started working here nine months ago. I was not aware of this when I accepted the position. On a personal note, my vehicle has been broken into more than once, my motorcycle stolen and I was threatened last week by a man who claimed he had a gun. My management company has refused to take any action. I have reported all of this to the local police authorities, etc. Also, I have never received a promissed raise nor my bonus, etc. What are my options? I would like to resign my position. Will I be able to collect Unemployment Benefits? I have also been (I feel) discriminated against regarding wage compensation.
Thank you,
Answers (1)

The standard for getting Unemployment Compensation is whether you "quit with good cause". That standard is getting harder and harder. Alot will be based on what you and your employer say and the judge who would decide if one of you appeals.
I do not know on what basis you think you have been discriminated agaisnt in wages. Are you talking gender, race, age, or some illegal factor or just that you think you are not being compensated fairly? The latter is likely not unlawful.
Feel free to call my office if you want to schedule some time to consult.
Patty Rose
posted by Patty Rose | Jul 22, 2004 5:29 PM [EST]
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