Re: Mandatory overtime
Let me rectify the mandatory overtime question...upon trying to negotiate with the supervisor about the overtime, (stating that I could not do it due to a lot of off work obligations this week)I was told that if I do not show up for it I would be required to quit. This just seems wrong somehow.
Thanks, Eric
Answers (1)

This is a brief reply as I am heading into a meeting. They cannot make you quit. They have to fire you if you don't quit. The question is relevant for unemployment. If the unemployment folks are persuaded that you had good reasons to need notice then you might be able to still get unemployment. Understand, please, that this does not create a lawyer-client relationship. I cannot promise you what the Employment Security Commission will do with a claim from you. I would suggest that you try to work with your employer and your schedule. The employer is entitled to expect you to be there when they want you as long as they are treating you consistently with others.
posted by Reagan Weaver | Jul 7, 2003 1:29 PM [EST]
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