Retaliation/Harassment, Do I have a case?
I am an American Airlines Maintenance Technician. I reprimanded a Supervisor for illegally signing off paperwork on an aircraft for work said to be completed but never was. The following day I was pulled out of service by another Supervisor within the same department, e.g. stay home with pay pending investigation. I was told that I was being taken out of service because I allegedly told a Crew Chief and Supervisor that my aircraft was in service when infact it was out of service. I didn't have any such conversation with the Crew Chief or Supervisor, I don't even know the Supervisors name. Do I have a valid Retaliation or Harassment lawsuit?
1 answer | asked Nov 6, 2001 9:14 PM [EST] | applies to Texas
Answers (1)

Sounds like the company is investigating charges of wrongdoing. The fact that the company takes complaints like that seriously is good. You have not lost any money because you were sent home with pay. And, you do not know who made the complaint against you, so you do not know that person's motivation. It may be an evil motivation, it may be a simple mistake. But, it's too early for anyone to tell yet. Wait and see what happens. If you are terminated, but not given a satisfactory explanation of why, then you may want to consult with an attorney in a face-to-face consultation.
posted by Margaret A. Harris | Nov 7, 2001 09:02 AM [EST]
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