School district making employees go into homes during covid.
I was furloughed from my job as a paraprofessional at my school district. There was over 100 of us. After it was voted on because the administration said there was no work for us, because our school was on virtual learning , after hours of teachers and other para's pouring their hearts out telling them there was plenty of work for us the school board still voted to furlough so we lost our insurance and had to sign up for unemployment. one week after all of this we start getting calls for us to work as personal care assistants. A totally different type of position we had. They want us to go into the homes of these kids. They said if we don't except the position we will not be able to collect. I think that if it is to dangerous to have in school learning how can it be safe for us to go into these homes. I for one feel unsafe because I have a daughter at home on a ventilator and it would be way to dangerous to get sick. but I don't think it is fair for us to not collect because we don't feel safe. Is it legal for them to deny us unemployment if we cant go safely into these homes?
0 answers | asked Oct 19, 2020 09:24 AM [EST] | applies to Pennsylvania
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