Severance pay and Ohio Unemployment
I received a lump sum severance where it states it is the cash equivalent of 6 months of my gross base pay. ODJS is stating I cannot collect unemployment until after the 6 month period since the severance exceeds the benefit amount. Is that true?
1 answer | asked Dec 21, 2017 12:03 PM [EST] | applies to Ohio
Answers (1)

Once an initial application for benefits is allowed, you are given 26 weeks' worth of benefits calculated as a lump sum (example: $9000), which you can receive over the course of one year. Going forward, you establish eligibility on a weekly basis. Some weeks may be disallowed for various reasons, such as: 1. you were sick and not able to look for work; 2. you worked in a temporary position and were paid more than your weekly benefit amount; or 3. you received severance pay in excess of your weekly benefit amount.
Assuming your claim is allowed (it's not clear from your question where you are in the process), you will simply be disallowed for each week you get severance pay. Then, once your severance ends and assuming you otherwise meet the weekly eligibility requirements going forward, you will receive benefits.
Hope that helps,
posted by Christina Royer | Dec 21, 2017 12:42 PM [EST]
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