Unpaid Wages
I was laid-off in February 2003 & my ex-employer still owes me for wages & expenses. I filed my claim with the IL Department of Labor in January 2004 & just received a letter from them indicating that my claim was dismissed because I didn't file within 6 months.
My ex-employer is the sole owner of the company & owns a home in IL & IN. What can I do next to collect?
Answers (2)

The limitations period under the wage payment and collection act is at least two years and probably five years, so you can still file a private claim, as Aaron pointed out. However, the employer sounds like a weasel so it may be difficult to find a lawyer to take the case because of collection issues. Good luck.
posted by Alejandro Caffarelli | May 20, 2004 12:51 PM [EST]

It sounds like you have a claim for unpaid wages which is valid under the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act and the United States Fair Labor Standards Act. Depending on how much it is, it may make more sense to have an attorney negotiate it than filing a lawsuit if it can be negotiated. But any attorney is going to need some more information. You should call us or one of the other fine employment lawyers on this site.
Aaron Maduff
posted by Aaron Maduff | May 17, 2004 3:13 PM [EST]
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