Unsolicited Reference

Prior employee of a WI company. Left on my own - was not fired. Did not ask for a reference from that company. Got a new job in NY months after leaving prior company. My new employer told me today he got an unsolicited email from my prior employer stating all the "bad" things I did when in their employment with "i thought you would like to know" statement. The email sounded malicious. Even though the statements of events were technically true (and I did disclose all to my current employer before I was hired in my new job) - they were presented in such a way to make me look as bad as possible (which was not warranted under the totality of the facts). Can a prior employer just out of the blue be somehow trolling me and intentionally contact a current employer (unsolicited). I thought once I left our relationship was terminated. Thank you.

1 answer  |  asked Dec 18, 2018 2:26 PM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

Jonas Urba
It looks like you are asking a question about a possible tort committed by an employer situated in Wisconsin. Since the alleged tortious activity occurred in Wisconsin a lawyer licensed in that state should respond to your inquiry.

Remember that for libel or slander a false statement must be published to a third party and such third party must believe such false statement to be true, rely on such falsity, with resultant damages to you; the slandered or libeled party whose reputation is damaged. It appears that your current employer does not believe the statements whether true or false, which have caused you no loss or damages; hence what would the purpose of a potential cause of action be?

Damages is generally a key component of any legal action and you allege none.

posted by Jonas Urba  |  Dec 18, 2018 2:33 PM [EST]

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