What are my rights when I'm being treated as an employed but I'm really an independent contractor?
I work in a salon and I pay rent, do my own taxes (1099). But in the last two years it has been made mandatory by the owner to go to staff meeting (one a month) and be apart of salon events. The events are major events 300+ people attending and the show relies on us the independent contractors to do 90% of the work, it is costly for us and takes away from our real business. We are not paid for any of this free labor, but if we dont do it, it is very well known you well run the risk of being thrown out.
Even during the last event we did, all us worker bees got called up to be named and say what we do at the salon, which was what was promised to all of us. Instead we all got called " this is my staff ".... What rights do I have?
Plus the salon really is the only one that benefits from this. I am at a lost to know what to do I am even having trouble finding out what the laws are in this case.
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