What chance do we have to get a favorable result with a TILA error in our mortgage?
We have been working with Certified Mortgage Audit of New York. In the Forensic Mortgage Audit, an error was identified. We also have many email and telephone conversations saying something that is definitely not in the contract. Our bank, and I hesitate to call them that, has denied our QWR and said that we have nothing to stand on. However, CMA says that they have definitely violated Federal laws. All of our information was emailed to Michael Snider in Baltimore yesterday by Ben Levine of Certified Mortgage Audit. I want to know if it is a reasonable request to follow this through. All we wanted originally was a reduction in the interest rate since we are paying eleven per cent and we have a forty year loan for which we won't even live to see the end. Now we believe that they are just not willing to do anything because they think we will not follow through. I am on permanent disability. My husband is a part-time bus driver with no benefits. Is it worth it? Our mortgage is for approximately one hundred forty-five thousand dollars. Our house has probably lost value in the last two years. We built it in two thousand three to accommodate my disabilty. This past year, I've also had a traumatic brain injury and a pacemaker inserted. We have multiple issues and do not want to continue worrying about this mortgage.
0 answers | asked May 25, 2010 2:51 PM [EST] | applies to Minnesota
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