When should I receive my paycheck?
I recently quit my job before my 90 day probation. I had observed that the clinic was practicing many procedures not in regulation with the Dept of Health. eg. Allowing non-licensed personnel administering local anesthesia to patients for surgery. Not monitoring vital signs pre,during and post surgery. When addressed to employer (MD) she said; "If we did vital signs and they were abnormal or out of range then we can't do surgery". In other words we don't get the money cause we loose a surgical procedure. Majority of our patients are in the elderly population, so they are on many meds, and with many medical conditions that vitals should be monitored. On top of that we have staff coming high on substance. When addressed to office manager she just ignored it. I reported the clinic to the Department of health for investigation. Anyway, it has been a week and I have not received my last paycheck. What do I need to do to receive my check. I have also heard from former collegues that former employer has it in for me. Please advise. Thank you
1 answer | asked Jul 7, 2011 8:51 PM [EST] | applies to Florida
Answers (1)

You may also have some whistle-blower protections going forward. Should this employer interfer with your ability to obtain employment, you may have the ability to pursue a claim based on your prior objections to their practices.
It is also possible you could be entitled to some compensation based on your reporting of their actions to the Department. You will want to monitor the progress of that investigation. In some instances, those that report violations can be entitled to a portion of monies found to have been earned through illegal means.
posted by Arthur Schofield | Jul 8, 2011 05:34 AM [EST]
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