Withholding of Pay
I was hired into a new position as a Business Development Director. The company I was working with had limited success in the past and they were looking for an established salesperson. The sales cycle for the service we offered was estimated at 3-6 months.
After 6 weeks (no training no job description, no metrics, no evals) just basically go do it. I was notified I was being let go for "poor job performance. My comp plan called for a salary with bonus on a monthly pay cycle. Upon payday I did not receive my pay and I was told via email that I was not due anything as pay is "earned" and in their opinion I did not earn anything.
Quest 1- am I entitled to my entire monthly salary? I was termed mid month
Quest 2- am I entitled to damages as well?
They have threatened me with a Fraud claim that is 100% baseless as all of my dealings have been 100% above board.
Also, benefits were not available until 90 days after hire as HR notified me that COBRA insurance was a better and cheaper alternative for me and the Company based on my prior employer responsible for paying 65%.
I have filed a complaint with the PA Dept of Labor, any other suggestions?
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