Wrongly Classified 1099: IRS Determination in my Favor: Need Help Suing and Recovering Lost Benefits
I was wrongly classified as 1099 and sent in my SS-8 to the IRS in 2010. I have just received my IRS determination letter siding with me that I was in fact wrongly classified and was not a 1099 IC but was in fact an employee of the company. Employees of the company received benefits that I did not, including stocks, insurance, paid vacation and sick days, none of which I was allowed and then when the project was completed I was let go and as an employee would have been given a severance package but since they were treating me like an IC I was just thanked for my work and shown the door. The company now needs to first readjust for the taxes they did not with-hold as well as pay for fines, penalties and fees associated with the taxes not paid. I also want to sue for the benefits that were not afforded to me both while I was employed with the company as well as for the severance package that should have been offered to me or a full time position in another department rather than just letting me go. At the time of my release the company was claiming how they were not having to fire or let go anyone at all due to the economy and the company had positive cash in the bank, around 30 Million dollars they said, so at the very least I should have been offered another position within the company somewhere. I believe this is a strong case with the IRS determination on my side. Looking for a legal team who is willing to work with me and fight for the money and benefits owed to me and my family. Thank you for your time, answers and help in this matter.
0 answers | asked May 2, 2011 3:33 PM [EST] | applies to Texas
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