Dear Mel,
I was working for a sign company in Pennsylvania. I had a one year non compete in my contract. My employer arbitrarily decided to cut our base salary 9 months ago and changed it from what was agreed upon in signed contract. Does this make the contract null and void and the non compete the same.
Answers (1)

Mr. Falco:
To evaluate your issue, an attorney would need to review the contract itself and discuss your employment history with you. There are too many variables that apply in the situation you describe to give an informed opinion based on the short fact pattern in your question. For instance, based on the short fact pattern in your question, it is possible that the contract you mention might not be a valid contract at all; if it is valid, you may not be bound by it depending upon the circumstances under which you signed it; your employer's breach of the contract may void the contract; and the terms of the non-compete may be too broad to be fully enforced.
If you wish to discuss this matter further, please feel free to call me at the below number.
/Christopher E. Ezold/
Nancy O'Mara Ezold, P.C.
401 City Line Avenue,
Suite 904
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
(610) 660-5585
posted by Christopher Ezold | Feb 21, 2003 08:38 AM [EST]
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