can my employer resend the offer of severance pay once it has been offered?
my boss had the corporate attorney draw up a severance agreement for me to sign. the terms were not such that i could/would agree to so i altered the agreement to a more resonable agreement. one paragraph had to do with a breach that the company would not have to provide proof of to get the money back plus damages and attorney fees and i added a paragraph that said that if i had to go to court for a legal action against them that they would be responsible for my attorney fees and pay me for my time. i also asked for a letter from them stating why i was terminated and the letter would contain language saying that i had not committed any sort of misconduct and that there was no negligence in the work that i had performed. they rejected it then told me that they would not be reoffering me the severance package.
0 answers | asked Oct 24, 2011 10:39 AM [EST] | applies to Tennessee
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