harassment by manager
Though I have good reputation in my company, I am facing harrasment from my manager on a daily basis. Ever since he has been promoted to the manager position, he is relentlessly harrasing me in various ways. Most of the people in the company has the opinion that he is rude, difficult, misbehaved person. But since he is a friend of the top management personnel, he behaves as if he rules the company. He is quite focused on me and keeps on bulling me in all possible ways. He is an avid liar, he lies in a blink of a second, so you cannot even argue with him. To cover up for himself, he keeps on doing propaganda against me all over the company.
The situation went out of control and I complained to the senior management finally. Since then I kept on complaining to the higher management to do something about it, but without any change of the situation. Senior management always tells me that they will do something but nothing happened. And my manager keeps on doing his bullying job without any change. My question is, do I have any right to be treated normally or law has all provisions for 'Boss is always right' !?
Answers (1)

Harassment is only a violation of the law if it is based on a prohibited characteristic, such as gender, race, and others. Your message suggests that this is not the case for you. Aside from the legality of his conduct, you may be eligible for workers compensation benefits if the harassment causes psych. injury. You should consider consulting with an attorney.
posted by George Allen | Jun 28, 2005 11:14 AM [EST]
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