i had an affair with a co-worker We are both field based and dont interact in a office environment We texted a lot of consensual sexually explicit content not during work hours. On occasions she would text me while she was having sex with her husband aski

i had an affair with a co-worker We are both field based and dont interact in a office environment We texted a lot of consensual sexually explicit content not during work hours.
On occasions she would text me while she was having sex with her husband asking me to imagine I was there with her.
On to occasions she texted me explicit content that was actually meant for another man. She insisted that all she did was kiss him and that she was helping him work through martial issues since he was a long time family friend that also knew her sisters. On a few occasions she mentioned how upset her sisters would be if she knew she was meeting him.
I did get upset at the texts especially when she would not answer me or talk for a period after she sent them.
The last time she did this I sent her back some messages asking her if she was doing the same explicit things in person with him and also asking her what her sisters and family would think about her involvement with him.
I used the same type of explicit sexual language that she had always used with me. She told me I was deploreable using that language and I reminded her she had used the same language.
She let me know she hated me. I tried( maybe too much) to at least get on speaking terms. I never threatened her, nor said anything that she had said before to me in texts.
Sahe finally said not to contact her any more. I agreed, but did send one more saying sorry and regretting we could not resolve this.
One day later I get a message from HR, stating that she had filed a complaint.
I dont know the details and I am scheduled to have a phone interview tomorrow.

What are my rights and options

0 answers  |  asked Jun 24, 2018 5:47 PM [EST]  |  applies to South Carolina

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