my boss became my lienholder and harassed me nonstop about personal issues on the job
my boss became my lienholder and for four months he and his wife would make me clock out and come into their offices to harass me about the lienholder agreement - they told me my son could not live with me - in fact, they told me where i could sleep and where i couldn't sleep - it got so bad that i dreaded walking by the offices for fear of being called in - my employment history and performance was 110% at a minimum; i was never once late, left early or called in sick during my entire employment - the last time they called me in was the straw that broke the camel's back - they called me out of work, told me if i slept at my boyfriend's house my 24-year-old son had to stay with me, otherwise i was required to remain in MY HOME that i was purchasing from them - i couldn't stand it anymore - four months of this inane nonsense - and i just said "i quit"... the following work day, the bosses' wife asked if i'd found a job; i said i'd never intended to leave mine - i was pushed... she said "well, if you stay at the trailer more, bob will probably give you your job back" - is this constructive discharge??? they have a staff of 5-6 and have gone through 16 employees in the past year (2010) due to their behavior - having to clock out to get paid... oh, now they're telling me i cannot get paid on payday - i have to wait until the following day even though they scheduled my lot rent and lien payment to be due on paayday and if i don't pay on that day there is a late payment - HELP!!!!!
0 answers | asked Jan 29, 2011 6:13 PM [EST] | applies to North Carolina
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