my employer is trying to deduct unemployment from my full back pay award
Hello Mel,
I was so happy to have ran across your web site it's very useful.
I live in Ohio, I was working for a hospital and I was terminated for unjust cause.
The case was arbitrated by my union and I was awarded my job back (minus 30 day suspension)along with all back pay & CBA benefits.
My Union & the hospital have been arguing back & forth over the unemployment issue.
The Union has stood firm on the only deduction from the back pay award should be the 30 days of unemployment. I was to be put back in whole.
The hospital attorney claims I owe them 9 months of unemployment and is wanting to deduct full amount of unemployment.
My Accountant is advising me not to take the check minus the unemployment because I will be held accountable for possible overpayment to unemployment.
In the mean time I have been terminated again and oddly enough I had the same Arbitrator and he is well aware I still have not been paid. I am awaiting my answer from second arbitration.
I also have a title VII and Age discrmination & retalation case and I have filed Federal charges.
Can you help me find the answer to the issue of unemployment being deducted from award?
Thank You,
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