new claim new pending issues unemployment?
I live in Missouri and have put in several quarters at different jobs. I was claiming my unemployment until my benefit year to date and it had only been claiming unemployment for about three months. So I put in a new claim I guess they go by different quarters well I receive letters in the mail one stating that there is a pending issue past employers was saying I was discharged. which at that job I have only missed one day I had called out okayed it with the store manager. I had worked to the best of my abilities but they had fired me because I did not meet the employer's work standards. the second letter was a pending issue questionnaire the employer was saying that I had quit when in fact I didn't I had called out sick three days ok it with managers. but was also taking care of My blind mother at the time be taking her see My disabled grandmother who was in the hospital also so I kind of had my plate full I went in to work is the next day I was scheduled the manager told me to leaveI tried to talk to her to see what was going on and she wasn't having it she told me to go home so I came in the day after to come in for work on time and she brought me in the lobby explains that she was firing me for not being able to come into work I did not quit they fired me so my question is on the two pending issues if I tell them what I just told you will I in fact get or continue to get my unemployment?
0 answers | asked Dec 17, 2015 8:18 PM [EST] | applies to Missouri
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