non-equal pay rates, based on race
One thing, about the Equal Pay Laws regarding gender as the only disciminatory feature. Is there any other acts or cases even that involve equal pay based on race?
If so, I definitely have a case that would involve multiple persons in my company.
Hope to hear back from someone
Answers (1)

The Equal Pay Act concerns only differences in pay between men and women in the same or similar jobs. In other words, it address discrimination in pay based on gender. The Equal Pay Act, however, is not the only law prohibiting this type of discrimination. So does Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Title VII prohibits discrimination not only based on gender but also race, national origin and religion. Other laws cover age and disability. Title VII covers discrimination in any term or condition of employment, including pay. Thus, it is illegal to pay an employee at a lower rate because of that employee's race.
In New York State, there are similar protections under the Human Rights Law. Employees in New York City are also protected by the NYC Human Rights Act.
posted by David M. Lira | May 21, 2004 10:39 AM [EST]
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