not allowed to return to work
i am employed as a contract employee (court attendant) and recently encountered a situation with a co-worker that resulted in my asking the supervisor for a transfer from what i believed a harraring situation.the supervisor stated to me not to return to work until she call me. she has not called. The supervisor has not premitted me to return to work since i ask for the transfer. the reason she states is "someone will call you with a job" that was 3 weeks ago and no one has called me. I asked the supervisor if i was laid off she said no. but will not give me the reason i am not allowed to work.
1 answer | asked Apr 18, 2003 11:22 AM [EST] | applies to California
Answers (1)

I cannot answer your question based on the information that you gave me. I need to know if the "harassing situation" is based on a protected characteristic, such as race, sex, religion, etc. If so, what did the harasser say or do that leads you to believe that you were being harassed based on race, sex, religion, etc? Did you tell your supervisor about the harassing situation" when you requested a transfer? If so, is it normal policy to place a complainant on leave of absence while they conduct an investigation of the complaint? Are you being paid while you are on leave just the same as if you were not on leave?
posted by Joan Herrington | Apr 20, 2003 4:49 PM [EST]
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