overtime pay for more than a eight hour day
I have two questions about overtime. First, if i,m a hourly employee and work more than a eight hour day am I intitled to overtime pay of time and a half. Which I am not recieving from my employer.Second, can my employer take away commision pay and just give hourly pay? After you were hired for hourly and commision pay without a conversation or a written notice of this action. Help
2 answers | asked Aug 18, 2001 5:16 PM [EST] | applies to California
Answers (2)

all nonexempt employees who work in california are entitled to daily overtime for hours worked more than eight, since 1/1/01. before that, for a period of time, you were entitled only to weekly overtime. if you are an outside salesperson however, you may be exempt.
if commissions were taken away in response to your complaints of denial of overtime, that might be retaliation. also, you may already have earned the commissions you were denied.
you need to speak with an attorney experienced in employment law. please call for a telephone interview.
janet koehn
posted by Janet M. Koehn | Aug 19, 2001 4:05 PM [EST]

Looks like you are getting ripped off right and left!
What about break time and lunch...how was that treated?
How many hours per week?
In general, you may have a case, but it depends on the job duties and a lot of other things.
Also, is it just you, or others at your company?
Call or email if you would like an interview.
Abraham Goldman
800 945 9446
posted by Abraham Goldman | Aug 18, 2001 5:29 PM [EST]
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