relocation/bonus payment and wages withheld.

I was hired on with a bonus/relocation of 5000. In the contract, it only states that it must be paid back if I do not stay a year. Because of a better offer, and unreasonable working conditions, I gave the required 14 day notice after two months. The contract only states the 5000 must be paid back, but gives no time frame. After giving my notice, the employer has withheld all my pay for the last 2 weeks without my permission, to pay back the bonus. Is this legal? Also, since there are no terms on how much or when to pay back the bonus, am I allowed to pay 300 a month? They say they want the entire 5000 on my last day, but nothing about how repayment is made is in the contract.

1 answer  |  asked Oct 30, 2016 08:57 AM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

Jonas Urba
No one can answer your question without reviewing your specific facts and contract. You say terrible working conditions. Were you constructively terminated? If you are not sure what that means pay for a legal consultation.

If you don't want to do so have you considered either staying or negotiating a new agreement for payback which is more specific? Did you discuss the terms of payback before you accepted another job? If not why not?

When parties enter an agreement supported by consideration such deals are often enforceable. Does that surprise you?

posted by Jonas Urba  |  Oct 30, 2016 09:39 AM [EST]

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