Over one year I filed an age discrimination
claim against my former employer. the eeoc picked up
the suit and investigated. I was informed that
things were done do to items (false items)
found in my file. I dropped the case as my
employer is one of the largest employers
in the world and I didnt have the resources
to continue. The manager is gone. and I
have been informed that I am needed back.
I was just told today that I will not be
coming back due to a management decision.
Is this considered retaliation?
Answers (1)

if the reason for their refusal to rehire you was on account of your filing of an eeo complaint, rather than the alleged performance issues in your file, this would be a violation of title vii (and also of state law). your problem would be proving that was a material reason for their decision. you should discuss this with an attorney experienced in employment law. you also should go back to the eeoc and file a new charge. if you are in southern california, please call me for an appointment.
good luck
janet koehn
posted by Janet M. Koehn | Jul 12, 2002 3:40 PM [EST]
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