see above

I worked for a period of 7 months. 2 checks were issued to me in the amount of $8750.00. No funds are available in the account.If I cash the checks they will both bounce. What should I do?

I would be willing to pay for a consultation if you felt I had a good chance on receiving my money.

1 answer  |  asked Dec 6, 2004 03:09 AM [EST]  |  applies to California

Answers (1)

Janet M. Koehn
file immediately with dlse

what you need to do is file a claim IMMEDIATELY with the dept. of labor standards enforcement (dlse). it is listed in the front of your phone book in the state of california pages, under department of industrial relations (dir). also you can go online at file your claim and submit documents from the bank showing there are insufficient funds to pay the items. you should get a very fast result. once you have an order to pay from the dlse, you can enforce that order like a court judgment. also the state will have a record of your claim if your employer is routinely bouncing payroll checks.
nothing stops the company from declaring bankruptcy, in which case you may have to pay a creditor's rights lawyer a contingent amount to collect your judgment. but the fastest way to get a judgment is to go to the dlse yourself. you do not need a lawyer, for a straightforward claim of this sort, at least to get a judgment.
good luck
janet m. koehn

posted by Janet M. Koehn  |  Dec 6, 2004 3:23 PM [EST]

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