state of Texas. non- exempt position in medical clinic. 8 to 5. 1 hr lunch. 40 hour work week. if I come to work every day on time, take lunch, but Drs constantly running late so patients still need to be taken back at 5:15, 5:30 causing me to work Overti
State of Texas. non- exempt position in medical clinic. Front desk
8 to 5. 1 hr lunch. 40 hour work week.
if I come to work every day on time, take lunch, but Drs constantly running late so patients still need to be taken back at 5:15, 5:30 causing me to work Overtime almost every day. If let's say Friday, 4 pm, no more appointments and I have 40 hrs plus already in for the week plus overtime,
I ask employer if I can leave an hour early, they say sure, but They will deduct from my vacation. Is that legal rather then just don't pay me that extra hour?
Seems harsh where if you have abusive employee, I see it.
While questioning this with office manager, she then tells me that if I'm late ( I have never been late) that rather than not pay me, she will again deduct from vacation.
Again, is this a situation where a few have ruined it for us all?
Now I'm am getting pissed. Seems their rules or set for them to work me past 5 pm most often with no consideration
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