to start i had a surgery when i was 38 and I'm 54 on my c5 c6 fusion on my vertebrae and failed.. and when i went back to work they screwed me over 2003 for falling asleep at work and i was taking medically prescribed drugs and they fired me under miscond

to start i had a surgery when i was 38 and I'm 54 on my c5 c6 fusion on my vertebrae and failed.. and when i went back to work they screwed me over 2003 for falling asleep at work and i was taking medically prescribed drugs and they fired me under misconduct witch is illegal.., I also was fired under misconduct for medical prescribed drugs witch is illegal also in the united states.. went and filled for unemployment witch they denied it then i filled appeal witch came back decision reversed and the state admitted they were wrong... now 11 years ago A friend of mine contacted the (FBI) about this and i received a call from them telling me they both violated my civil rights also meaning (work) and (social security administration ) and they were going to correct it .. Mel i guess my question for you is how wold get back in touch with federal on this matter because sene then i lost phone numbers over the years and and have been told there are no statute of limitations for this case.. so please MEL if you can point me in the right direction on witch department that would handle this case for the (FBI) i would be so greatly appreciated! thank you

0 answers  |  asked Aug 29, 2018 01:40 AM [EST]  |  applies to Arizona

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