we had received an overpayment on our severance package (we thought it was because they filed it in such a way that they took out 37% of the whole amount for taxes instead of 25%), as a result they withheld the last bonus check we were supposed to get. Th
As a result of the overpayment, they withheld the last bonus check we were supposed to receive and told us to pay them back before the end of the month (which was like 2 weeks from then), but they didn't notify us until we called. When we called to ask about it, they didn't; seem know where our last check was because on their end it said it was sent to us. We used the money to pay bills and buy school supplies/uniforms for our kids so the money was gone. We had lived for months on very little income from them because they cut everyones hours. So we were behind on our bills. There was no way we could pay the amount back when they wanted. They then wanted all of our financial information in order to set up a payment plan, and we don't give that out to anyone. Like our list of bills and amounts and income. They also said we would have to pay the taxes back to them that were taken out of the overpayment as well, per IRS guidelines. Did they not break the contract when they would t send the last severance check to us? Now they want to file a lawsuit against us when we have tried and tried to work this out on our end! They won't take anything less than what they think we owe them, and they won't explain where they got that amount from. They also have refused to send me a copy of the paystub that I never received. I have asked for it several times. They sent it to a collector and the collector called and said give him an amount and he'll ask his client if it was enough to suffice them. When we called back, he started yelling and screaming and saying no he never said that and they want the full amount or else.
0 answers | asked Aug 31, 2018 07:02 AM [EST] | applies to Indiana
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