Abusive Boss / Harrasment / Humiliation / Age Discrimination?


I have worked for a company as an Administrative Specialist for 3 1/2 years now.

I don't know if I have any recourse against what is happening to me, but my co-workers have been urging me to get legal counsel for some time now, so here is my question;

Six Months ago I was called into the V.P.'s office (my bosses boss) and told that I had to leave the company because if someone had to go it had to be me.

I asked if I could have time to look for a job, and left to talk with someone in H.R. about my options. They told me to just keep coming to work, and not to speak to anyone about what was going on.

Since then my boss has been harrassing me, humiliating me, and making false accusations about my work to the managers and other employees.

One of the managers stopped me to ask if I had found a job because my boss had announced in the Dept. Managers Meeting that I was leaving the company and would be gone by the end of the month!

I have been very active looking for a job taking my vacation time to visit recruiters etc. I have not found a job, and am starting to get the feeling that I have been blackballed/ blacklisted, or given bad references.

I have been called at home when sick to ask why I am not at work.

I have been told to come in from vacation only to be asked for an update on my job search.

I have not had a bad review, and she has not put my on a PIP (performance Improvement Plan) which would enable her to fire me at the end of the plan.

I am 54 y.o. and since this women became my boss she has hired mostly employees under the age of 30!

I have become very depressed, and have gone on medication, and started seeing a therapist.

What can I do???

1 answer  |  asked Mar 22, 2004 11:29 PM [EST]  |  applies to Pennsylvania

Answers (1)

Christopher Ezold
Real reason for termination

Depends on the real reason for termination;no-one else term'd? still hiring? comments re age or sex? who's going to do your work? Please call if you wish to discuss.

posted by Christopher Ezold  |  Mar 24, 2004 5:06 PM [EST]

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