Can one be forced into a new role when the position is eliminated?
My employer of 15+ years usually provides options when a position is eliminated: to relocate to another department of their choice or to leave with a severance package. However, they are not offering me the lay-off with a package in my view because I am pregnant. They offered me a role with different reporting structure as my only option. I feel I am being forced to either take the new role or leave. My desired outcome is to be voluntary laid-off with a severance package after an impecable record with the company. I feel discriminated as I am not being given the same options as other employees under the same situation. Please help me understand how can I position my situation to HR en leave on good terms but with severance deal.
2 answers | asked Jul 30, 2015 3:59 PM [EST] | applies to Florida
Answers (2)

However, if the job is sufficiently different in duties, and in the past the company has a practice of offering the option of a transfer OR a severance package, then you should tell HR that you don't understand why this choice is not being offered to you, and that you are concerned that it may be related to your pregnancy. Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (part of Title VII) a company must treat you the same as they would if you were not pregnant. This also means, however, that being pregnant does not give you any additional job protection (other than your rights under the FMLA).
Good luck!
posted by Phyllis Towzey | Jul 31, 2015 11:07 AM [EST]

Best of luck.
posted by Arthur Schofield | Jul 31, 2015 05:05 AM [EST]
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