After 34 years of working at a hospital I was told that my position is being eliminated for Financial reasons. I have been a Supervisor in the department for approximately 30 years. In the last 8 years we had hired a new Director, At the time I was a mana
I have explained partially above what has occurred. I was not offered another Supervisor position within the department although I'm the longest tenured and most experienced Supervisor on the staff.I'm at a separate facility and am the only Supervisor at that site. They say a Supervisor is not needed at this site. But like my previous position as a manager I was told they didn't need a day shift manager, Only to have been replaced with a younger person under a slightly different title. I'm sure that is what they plan to do again this time after my position is eliminated on December 13. I was also sent to Florida last week on a mandatory to keep your position training class. This class was over $ 1,000. My belief was my Director thought I wouldn't go, And when I did he had to find another way to eliminate my position. I was offered lower positions in the department for much less pay.
I have no behavioral or attendance issues.
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posted by Scott Leah | Jan 8, 2020 05:47 AM [EST]
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