Can I be entitled to Unemployment Benefits due to Hostile Work Environment?
I feel that based on the description of a "Hostile Work Environment" I should be entitled to Unemployment benefits if I quit my job. I truly feel I have no other option. I am the only woman that works at our small workplace and I have been called a "whore" by our boss, and accused of flirting with other employees. I was threatened that my hours were going to be cut so much that I would be forced to quit, but so far that hasn't happened. I was also called derogatory names such as "fat" by the boss's wife (while pregnant) in the workplace and was called other names on a social media forum for all to see. All of these accusations they have made are strictly unwarranted and have caused great emotional distress. My husband has told me to quit, but the fact is I need the job to help support my family.
0 answers | asked Jun 1, 2011 12:47 PM [EST] | applies to Indiana
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