Can I still appeal for unemployment after 8 days if I refilled and stated in that I was appealing?
I quit my job due to my severe anxiety. I have a long history and 8 months earlier was givin medical leave at a different job for 2 months due to it. My physician clinic was temporary closed due to Covid 19. I was unable to receive medical help as my anxiety worsened. I quit my job once I was unable to control my anxiety. I was denied due to not having a physician letter. Once again her clinic was closed and she is just now returning this week. I have an appointment set up to address my anxiety concerns. This will be the soonest I will be able to get a letter for unemployment. It has been over 8 days since I recieved the denial letter. I mistakenly thought I had 30 days and was waiting to have my physician letter to send. I did refill the following week after the denial and state that I was appealing, but did not send a formal letter to the unemployment office. Is it too late for me to appeal now? WV state requires 8 days to appeal.
0 answers | asked Jul 26, 2020 8:10 PM [EST] | applies to West Virginia
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