Can employers deduct vacation time for snow days?
My employer called a snow day last winter and phoned all of the employees telling us to not come in because of the weather. The next day I went to work and was informed that everyone had to put in a time off request for the previous day and that 8 hours of vacation time would be deducted. They also have shut-down days at various times throughout the year, usually around Christmas and employees are deducted 8 hours of vacation time for each mandatory shut-down day. Can they deduct accrued vacation time for days that they aren't open due to weather or a pre-determined shut-down period?
1 answer | asked Aug 3, 2009 4:28 PM [EST] | applies to Massachusetts
Answers (1)

An employer who changes an exempt, salaried employee's salary runs the risk of losing the professional, executive or administrative exemption for overtime purposes. However, requiring an employee to use up vacation due to lack of work will probably not jeopardize the salaried exemption.
posted by Neil Klingshirn | Aug 4, 2009 08:42 AM [EST]
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