Can return to secondary part-time job affect main part-time job’s disability payments?
Prior to starting short-term disability due to a sudden medical event, I was working the same 2 part-time non-sedentary jobs concurrently for several years. The STD payments are through Job A and based on 30 hours per week. The other job (Job B, 10 hours per week) offers no benefits. Job A is fast-paced and heavy duty. Job B is in a different industry, slower-paced and relatively light-duty. If I cannot return to Job A with some accommodation of my physical restrictions (per my doctors), I will have to remain on STD and risk returning to a lower-paying job, if any. Ultimately, I may have to accept long-term disability with even more reduced payments. In the meantime, I would like to return to less-demanding Job B's 10-hours per week. Will this jeopardize or affect my STD and LTD disability payments? Again, I was working both jobs concurrently for many years prior to my disability, and clearly the disability payments alone are not enough to survive on. Also, what are my chances that Job A Employer will let me return to work with some accommodation of lingering physical restrictions. I believe this employer accommodates workers who are injured on the job, but I was not injured at work. I am getting close to full-retirement age.
0 answers | asked Mar 31, 2017 11:18 PM [EST] | applies to New Jersey
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