Can we get this job back?
My husband was terminated from his job after less than a week of working at it. He was accused of "lying" on his application. When he asked what his employer was referring to, he was told that he left off one of his previous employmers on the application. The company was left off inadvertantly as he only worked there briefly over a year ago.
My husband quit a different job for the job he was just let go for better pay and benefits. He was given the "okay" by the new company to quit his previous employer. They told him he was hired as long as he passed the drug testing. He did pass the drug test as he is clean. He is honest and hard-working and has a clean criminal record and driving record. Is there anything we can do to be compensated for being shot down by this company? Or is there any legal leverage that we have to fight for this job that we so badly need?
Answers (1)

I sure wish there were a way to help, but over a century ago the Texas Supreme Court announced that this is an "employment at will" state, and that means that a company does not have to have a good reason to fire someone. The reason can be bad, it can be silly, it can be stupid -- and there's nothing the employee can do about it. The only way to change the law is to convince a majority of the Texas Legislators to pass a new law, or a majority of the justices on the Texas Supreme Court to overrule that earlier decision. Given that the Supreme Court is all Republican, and the Legislature mostly Republican, there's no way the law will be changed any time soon. The Republicans are not going to give employees more legal rights -- because it might hurt the corporations.
Sorry for the political tone, but I feel very strongly that Texas law is wrong, and I very much wish it could be fixed. If you are unhappy about the law too, you might want to check out the website It is an organization devoted to trying to improve the laws that help employees.
Good luck. I wish I had better news for you.
posted by Margaret A. Harris | Jan 21, 2004 4:20 PM [EST]
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