Discrimination & Retaliation
I am a female engineer in a large company and am currently on the medical leave. I received a letter from my employer that my job position is eliminated due to the organiztion's restructuring and downsizing and there is no job for me to return to if my leave ends. But I was told by my co-workers that no any laid-off activities happened recently in anywhere in my company(it is big, world-wide company) and actually the group(organization) I am in has 2 new position opening, just same job title as mine. Before my leave, I was trying to appeal for my unfair performance rating against my manager.
I want to know if any violation exists in my laid-off matter.
Thank you very much for your time and I really appreciate your help.
Answers (1)

It sounds like you might have a claim for retaliation or violation of the Family Medical Leave Act. I suggest you seek advice from a local attorney.
posted by Trey Henderson | Oct 11, 2006 07:29 AM [EST]
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