Discriminatory Layoof
I am an Indian on H1-B Visa and have been recently laid off.
Earlier in Sept 2003 I had given a complain against my Manager to the VP of HR for intimidation, personal comments on my beard and appearance, and hostile work environment.
Later on my Manager was given a writen warning.
Now there has been a layoff in the company , about 6-10 people.
But before this , two contractor were hired and all of my projects were handed over to them , I was asked to train them. I had an excellent work record with the company.
Now they have terminated me as a part of lay off.
Is there anything I can do before signing the Waiver for obtaining severance pay ?
Answers (1)

You really need to sit down and talk with a lawyer, and show the person the proposed agreement. There could be many provisions in there that are very one-sided (favoring the company, of course). I do not know a good employment lawyer who would spend that amount of time with you without charging, but you can call the Houston area lawyers who are identified on this website and see what happens.
Good luck!
posted by Margaret A. Harris | Feb 3, 2004 11:38 AM [EST]
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