Employment contracts - will it protect me?
Under what scenario would you recommend an employment contract? What protection does this provide for the employee?
Answers (1)

1. Whenever your employer will consent to have a contract with you you're better off.
2. In Texas, an employee can lose her or his job at any time with or without notice for a good reason (chronic absenteeism), bad reason (nepotism, favoritism, office politics), or no reason at all (like shoe style). There are few exceptions to that rule, so most employees in Texas who are not union members have virtually no job protection. (This is called "employment at will," which is more accurately called "termination at will.")
A contract will provide some job protection, depending on its terms. You can negotiate all sorts of things with the employer, including a commitment to a certain term (like 5 years), to a certain salary plus bonus, to what would cause you to lose your job (only "good cause," which could be defined to include only certain things like theft, fraud, etc.).
posted by Margaret A. Harris | Feb 19, 2001 7:02 PM [EST]
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