Federal EEO (US Postal Service) attorney who can take a case in Utah on contingency?
Unfortunately I'm finding it very difficult to find an attorney who handles federal at all. I developed a spine condition and reported it to my supervisor with my doctors notes, and filed for FMLA. I was already victim of ongoing harassment and a hostile work environment after working for my union and helping with EEO investigations. My supervisors manager didn't send in my injury report and kept telling me it takes a long time sometimes. In the mean time I was going to physical therapy and doctors on my own insurance. Eventually my FMLA ran out and I was issued discipline for not coming in to work. When I finally got ahold of workers comp the manager said the original injury wasn't work related, and that I was now trying to defraud the USPS claiming a 2nd injury as on the job after not being in to work. I wasn't able to provide information on any second injury and failed 2 appeals (case accepted, timely, but requiring more information I couldn't provide because it didn't exist). I filed 2 EEO complaints, one was determined not to be adverse action because the discipline was rescinded, and the 2nd has been accepted and is going to court - but I cannot afford a $25,000 retainer. Because of that manager I never received unemployment or workers comp benefits and cannot afford any further treatment.
0 answers | asked Mar 11, 2020 1:13 PM [EST] | applies to Utah
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