An employee, Christi, in my department was recently promoted to my position after my departure. Christi has another female employee under her supervision, Tammy that is having an affair with another male employee, Mike, in the office. Mike and his wife Tracy, who also worked for the company had an overt affair with the CEO of the company, Jack. Jack is very beholden to Mike, due to the past affair with Mike and Tracy. Jack has also created an environment where he has approached several female employees for sexual favors in the past. He has also superimposed employee's faces on pornography and provided to other employees in the office. Jack has also committed sexual battery by becoming aroused and rumbing up against female employees. These events have been perpetrated over a ten year period. Chrisiti cannot manage Tammy due to the relationship between Jack, her boss, and Mike and Tracy. Jack has not supported her and recently demoted her. What recourse does Chrisit have since she cannot manage Tammy due to the affair? Also chrisit was exposed to the pornography distributed by Jack in the work place? The porn was distributed about 4 years ago. Jack also committed sexual battery against Chrisit about 8 years ago. Hope you can make some sense out of this circle.
Concerned Employee
Answers (1)

You raise a lot of issues. I am not sure if I am clear on all of the facts in your email. I need to spend some time with you to make sure I understand.
With that said, I will tell you the first thing your employee needs to do is complain. Is there a formal process identified by the Company to report sexual harassment? If so, it needs to be followed.
Please give me a call 800.403.7868 or contact me at acrone@cronemason.com to set up a telephone interview.
posted by Alan Crone | Sep 23, 2002 4:56 PM [EST]
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